
Santiago Hernandez & Isabelle Rune

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The tango (possibly from Latin tangere, meaning "touch") is a partner dance that originated in the 1890s along the Río de la Plata, the border between Uruguay and Argentina, and soon spread to the rest of the world. Tango is a dance that has influences from European and African culture and there are many forms of tango today. The styles are mostly danced in either open embrace, where lead and follow have space between their bodies, or close embrace, where the lead and follow connect either chest-to-chest (Argentine tango). 

Tango canyengue is a rhythmic style of tango that originated in the early 1900s and is still popular today. It is one of the original roots styles of tango and contains all fundamental elements of traditional Tango. 

Tango nuevo has been popularized in recent years by a younger generation of dancers. The embrace is often quite open and very elastic, permitting the leader to initiate a great variety of very complex figures. This style is often associated to jazz- and techno-tinged, electronic and alternative music inspired in old tangos. 

Ballroom tango, divided into the "International" and "European" styles, developed when the tango first went abroad to Europe and North America. The dance was simplified, adapted to the preferences of conventional ballroom dancers 

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